
Kurz Wind specializes in comprehensive replacement parts, repair and upgrade services for critical Nacelle components, ensuring your wind turbines operate with maximum efficiency and reliability. Our expertise covers essential parts such as pitch motors, hydraulic power units, accumulators, and electrical components. By leveraging the latest technological advancements, we can help you maintain these vital components to their peak performance.

we stock and service

We can align with you to fit your budgetary needs.


Parker gearbox and hydraulic hoses, tailored to meet over 80 requirements. Built to precise measurements with IP crimp fittings, and optimal performance. For gearboxes, we arrange on-site visits with technicians.

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Trust us for turbine fluid cleaning or air purification. We partner with OEMs and provide reliable aftermarket filter solutions.

Generator Slip Rings

Essential for the transmission of electrical power, signals, & data between stationary and rotating parts in the electrical systems.

Slip Ring Brushes

Ensuring efficient electrical data transfer with variations on material, size, and shape.

Yaw Motors

We stock and repair yaw motors that are utilized to help the wind turbines rotate to optimally capture the wind.


Ultrasonic wind sensors, measuring wind speed, direction and temperature. Cables & accessories are also available.

Our Store is expanding! Additional products will be added soon, stay tuned!